Articles on: Recommendation rules

How to Pin a Product in Recommendations

Plans: All plans Platforms: All platforms


Product recommendations are a great way to increase the sales of your top-selling items, however, they can work in your favor when clearing the stock. With AfterShip Personalization, you can pin a product in recommendations very easily. Check this guide to understand the process.

Product pinning is possible depending on the recommendation type you've selected.

Steps to pin products

Go to your AfterShip Personalization admin and select a pre or post-purchase scenario where you want to pin products in rthe ecommendations.

Here, we are taking Smart Checkout page scenario to showcase how you can pin products you want to always appear first in the recommendations.

On the smart checkout page dashboard, choose the offer wheere on which you wish to pin a product. Click Edit to open the editor.
Scroll down to Product settings and then locate Pinned Product.

Click Select to choose the product.
Once done, click Confirm.

6 Save your changes.

Additional considerations

Only 1 product can be pinned. It should be Active
The pinned product will always appear as the first product in your recommendations
If you pin and exclude the same product, it will be pinned in your product recommendations

Reach our support team should you have any questions.

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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