Articles on: Getting started

How to Recommend Products on the Checkout Page

Plans: All Plans Platforms: Shopify

AfterShip Personalization can help you recommend relevant products to your shoppers. You can show relevant products on the checkout page to encourage shoppers to modify their cart and make the payment at once. This help guide explains the steps you need to take:

Steps to follow

Log in to your Shopify admin and find AfterShip Checkout Upsell in the Apps section.

If you've not installed AfterShip Checkout Upsell application on Shopify, check this guide.
Click Smart upsell widgets
Click Get started under the Checkout widget

Once done, click Create widget
In the Product recommendations- Checkout editor, setup the following options:

Offer status: Change the status from Disabled to Enabled

In the Product settings, take care of 4 things:

A. Recommendation rules: Under this setting, you can recommend the products bases on certain rules which include:

I. Pre-made rules: It consists of seven pre-made rules or recommendation types which you can select from.
II. Custom rules: It allows you to add custom rules based on your requirements.

B. Pinned product: It allows you to pin a product that you want to be available in recommendations available all the time.

C. Exclusions: You can exclude products from recommendations. Three options to choose from: Exclude products in customers’ cart, Exclude specific products, Exclude by tag, and Exclude by collection. Click here to know all the details

Please note that product exclusion and pinning are possible depending on the recommendation type you've selected.

D. Product type: In this section, you can choose the type of product you would like to offer as product recommendations. The available options are One-time purchase only, Subscription only, Both ( One-time and subscription)

Widget promotion: In this section, you can offer your customers discount offers on recommended products during checkout.

Once done with settings, click Save to let your changes come into effect

Make sure you add our app as a block (already elaborated on the steps above) in the Shopify's checkout editor and click Save. Otherwise, product recommendations won't work.

In case you need any further assistance, please contact our support team.

Updated on: 15/12/2023

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